1: Not ready at all
10: Lets GO!
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What do you want to do?
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Your details
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Achieve your goals
Tell us what you want to achieve
Finding a nutrition plan that works for me
Finding the right coach to work with me
Organising my time and schedule
Feeling confident enough to go to a Gym
Knowing the right workouts & cardio to achieve my goals
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How do you feel about starting?
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How do you feel about yourself?
1: I don't like myself at all
10: I think I'm pretty dam amazing
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What have you tried?
In the past, if you have tried to achieve your goals already, tell me how that went
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1: not serious at all
5: Somewhere inbetween
10: It is vital I make this work
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Reaching your goals
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Enough already, lets go!
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Thank You. I will be in touch soon.
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